It is encouraging to hear at this meeting overall economic growth rates are up in africa over the past couple of years , - but a continuation of this improvement will be jeopardized by the aids epidemic 在这次会议上听到在过去的几年里非洲经济的总体增长率有所提高,这确实令人鼓舞,但艾滋病会妨碍经济的进一步增长。
It is encouraging to hear at this meeting that overall economic growth rates are up in africa over the past couple of the years , but a continuation of this improvement will be jeopardized by the aids epidemic 在这次会议上听到在过去的几年里非洲经济的总体增长率有所提高,这确实令人鼓舞,但艾滋病会妨碍经济的进一步增长。