

[ fú; fèi; bó; bèi ] 发音:   "怫"的汉语解释   用"怫"造句
  • 形容词
    [书面语] (形容忧愁或愤怒) depressed; angry 短语和例子
  • 怫而不释:    unable to get rid of one's anxiety
  • :    形容词[书面语] (惭愧) ashamed 惭[愧] 怍 embarrassed and ashamed; abashed; 脸有怍色 an ashamed look
  • 怫然:    angrilyabruptly
  • 怏怏而归:    come back quite crestfallen; go home sadly
  • 怫然不悦:    show an angry countenance; be very much offended at [by]; show a sign of displeasure


  1. Then the emperor sent one of his attendants , cai yin , with thousands of soldiers , to tianzhu on a diplomatic mission to seek buddhist doctrine
  2. The statue in a niche in the rear part of chengguang hall is 1 . 5 meters high . it was carved out of a whole piece of jade . the crown and garment are of gold foil and inlaid with red and green crystals
    供于承光殿后厦内,用整块白玉雕琢而成,高1 . 5米,顶冠和袈裟饰金箔,并嵌有红恳晶石。
  3. He punched on , with his left hand only , and as he punched , doggedly , only half - conscious , as from a remote distance he heard murmurs of fear in the gangs , and one who said with shaking voice : " this ain t a scrap , fellows
    他用左手继续打了下去,他顽强地晕晕忽忽地打着。他访听见遥远处那群人在恐怖地嘁嘁嚓嚓地议论。其中有一个嗓子颤抖地说: “这不叫打架,伙计们,这是杀人,我们得挡住他们。 ”
  4. The withdrawing system of security market is one of the most important measures of stock exchanges , which is to realize the jungle survival of listed corporations , to guarantee the general quality of listed corporation and to keep the continuous development of market . it is also the inevitable requirement to realize the function of security market


        怫而不释:    unable to get rid of one's anxiety
        :    形容词[书面语] (惭愧) ashamed 惭[愧] 怍 embarrassed and ashamed; abashed; 脸有怍色 an ashamed look
        怫然:    angrilyabruptly
        怏怏而归:    come back quite crestfallen; go home sadly
        怫然不悦:    show an angry countenance; be very much offended at [by]; show a sign of displeasure
        怏怏而返:    return home in a very melancholy mood
        怫然不悦的神情:    louring looks
        怏怏而出:    withdraw sulkily
        怫然作色:    flush up with anger
        怏怏而别:    march off somewhat discontentedly


        怫的日语:怫fú 〈書〉憂えたり怒ったりするさま.顔色を変えるさま. 怫然作色/むっとして顔色を変える.
        怫的韩语:[형용사]【문어】 (1)울적하고 답답하다. =[怫郁yù] (2)불끈 화를 내는 모양. =[艴]
        怫的俄语:pinyin:fú; fèi; bó; bèi прил./наречие 1) fèi, , недовольный, сердитый; негодующий, гневный 2) fèi бес...
        怫什么意思:fú ㄈㄨˊ 1)忿怒的样子:~郁(a.愤懑;b.心情不舒畅)。~然作色。 fèi 〈名〉 (1) 愤怒 [indignation;anger] 我怫然而怒。――《庄子·德充符》 (2) 又如:怫然(愤怒的样子);怫恕(愤怒);怫恚(愤怒) 怫然 怫然作色


  1. "怏怏而别"英文
  2. "怏怏而出"英文
  3. "怏怏而返"英文
  4. "怏怏而归"英文
  5. "怍"英文
  6. "怫而不释"英文
  7. "怫然"英文
  8. "怫然不悦"英文
  9. "怫然不悦的神情"英文
  10. "怫然作色"英文


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