怪: strange; odd; queer; peculia ...相: looks; appearance扮怪相: make a face装怪相: make a face做怪相: pull [draw; make] faces [a face]; make a mouth at [upon]; thumb one's nose小魔怪相连: biolines口袋妖怪相机: pokemon snap奇怪相貌的木偶: golliwog怪想: crotchet; whigmaleerie怪现象: curious situations strange occurrence; sth. quite unusual怪象: queer-looking; queerish怪侠一枝梅: now you see me now you don’t; the fantastic knight; the vigilante in the mask; the vigilante inthe mask怪形: something spooky; the thing怪侠燕子飞: the strange hero 'flying swallow'怪形雕刻像: gargoyle怪侠金丝猫: golden cat怪形类: marellomorpha怪侠粉菊花: the strange hero fen juhua