The pointwise convex modulus of banach space 空间点态凸性模
The feasibility and availability were studied by comparing the static tests and the effects of relative stir - elastic - module that the concrete in long - term immersion and drying and wetting cycle in saturated sodium sulfate solution 结果表明,相对动弹性模量表征的抗盐结晶侵蚀系数与相对抗折强度及劈拉强度表征的抗盐结晶侵性系数评价指标具有较好的相似性。
The result shows that the dynamic modulus of sandy pebble soil reduces nonlinearly with the accretion of dynamic strain , but increases with consolidation ratio , and affected little by the vibration frequency 试验结果表明,砂卵石土呈现出动弹性模量随动应变的增大而非线性地降低,动荷载频率对动弹性模量影响很小,动弹性模量随着固结比的增大而显著增大的规律。
So it is impossible for enstatite to decompose to oxides between 50 to 140gpa . ( 5 ) the bulk modulus k0s and its first derivative of pressure k0s " were calculated from the experimental hugoniot data , by using eularian limit strain theory 3 )根据本文顽火辉石hugoniot实验数据(结合前人的实验数据l用欧拉有限应变理论计算得到的顽火辉石零压炸弹性模量及其对压力的一阶导数为: k叮一266gpa , k ; ,二4