急性: acute暴发性: fulminant; fulminating甲: the first of the ten Heavenl ...型: mould; model簿: book性: nature; character; dispositi ...肝炎: hepatitis急性甲型簿性肝炎: acute type a viral hepatitis急性暴发性甲型病毒性肝炎: acute fulminating type a viral hepatitis复发性甲型簿性肝炎: relapsing type a viral hepatitis急性暴发性簿性肝炎: acute fulminating viral hepatitis慢性甲型簿性肝炎: chronic type a viral hepatitis慢性活动性甲型簿性肝炎: chronic active type a viral hepatitis慢性迁延性甲型簿性肝炎: chronic persistent type a viral hepatitis慢性侵袭性甲型簿性肝炎: chronic aggressive type a viral hepatitis无黄疸性甲型簿性肝炎: anicteric type a viral hepatitis甲型簿性肝炎: viral hepatitis a; viral hepatitis type a急性暴发性簿性乙型肝炎: acute fulminating type b viral hepatitis急性暴发性病毒性肝炎: acute fulminating viral hepatitis暴发性簿性肝炎: fulminant virus hepatitis丙型簿性肝炎: type c viral hepatitis; viral hepatitis c; viral hepatitis type c丁型簿性肝炎: delta hepatitis; viral hepatitis d; viral hepatitis type d戊型簿性肝炎: viral hepatitis e; viral hepatitis type e乙型簿性肝炎: viral hepatitis b; viral hepatitis type b; virus b hepatitis急性甲型病毒性肝炎: acute type a viral hepatitis