1823 robert whitehead , english engineer and inventor of the naval torpedo , was born in lancashire 英国工程师、水雷发明者罗伯特?怀特黑德出生于兰开夏郡。
The philosopher alford north whitehead once said that the art progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order 哲学家阿尔弗雷德?诺斯?怀特黑德曾经说过: “进步的艺术在于变化中保持秩序,在秩序中保持变化。 ”
The survey ' s findings buttress concerns expressed by numerous scholars and family - policy experts , among them barbara dafoe whitehead of rutgers university ' s national marriage project 该调查的结果造成了很多学者和家庭政策专家们的担忧,鲁特格斯大学国家婚姻项目的芭芭拉?达佛?怀特黑德就是其中一位。
The survey ' s findings buttress concerns expressed by numerous scholars and family - policy experts , among them barbara dafoe whitehead of rutgers university ' s national marriage project 该调查的结果造成了很多学者和家庭政策专家们的担忧,鲁特格斯大学国家婚姻项目的芭芭拉达佛怀特黑德就是其中一位。
Ralph whitehead , a journalism professor at the university of massachusetts , said it may reflect the continuing discussion about american values and morality , or it may indicate that integrity itself is becoming so scarce , its definition is unfamiliar 马萨诸塞大学的新闻学教授拉尔夫怀特黑德说,这也许反映了美国人长期以来有关价值观和道德观的争论,也可能意味着当今社会“正直”正在日益减少,它的定义被淡忘了。