They move fast and in complete disorder . 它们快速运动,而且毫无秩序。
That was because you were busy generating a high tension . 那是因为你的快速运动产生了高电压。
Only fast-moving particles could make the little mill spin round . 只有快速运动的粒子才能使小风车转动。
Bubbles simply supply a short cut for the faster-moving percolating gas . 气泡不过是对快速运动的渗透气体提供了一条捷径。
Perry's slingshot device consisted of a fast moving hollow piston or capsule which contained the test section gas . 培里的弹射装置由一个快速运动的中空活塞或密封容器组成,其中包含试验用的气体。