快乐: happy; joyful; cheerful; gay在: exist; be living一起: in the same place乐在一起: have fun together在一起快乐: happy together在一起: be togehter; be together; couple up; sb; tillsammans; w with; wz with就像我跟你在一起时那么地快乐: as i am with you我和大马在一起的快乐时光: my won&flui days with big horses我们应该永远快乐地在一起: will u love me again like u loved me before把……加在一起: put together耙在一起: rake up保持在一起: keetogether不能在一起: i can't be with you长在一起: grow together凑在一起: package大家在一起: the more we get together呆在一起: stay 1但不在一起: but not together钉在一起: staple together独自在一起: alone together堆放在一起: stake 1缚在一起: constipate跟…在一起: keep company with跟…住在一起: live 1跟你在一起: being with you has opened my eyes; rock wit u