It ' s voicemail . - i got a busy signal . hang up 是语音信箱。 -我听到的是忙音。挂掉吧。
- it ' s voicemail . - i got a busy signal . hang up -是语音信箱。 -我听到的是忙音。挂掉吧。
It will handle your calls , but also customized for each one sulfate respirator phones can 它将处理你的来电,而且能定制每一个呼入电话,也可以发送忙音或用短信来回复来电
In communications , a condition that occurs in a network when no circuits are available and a busy tone is returned to the calling part 在通信技术中,当无线路可用因而有忙音返回给主呼叫用户时网络的一种状态。
Possible responses includes : accept , interactive voice , busy tone , reject + send sms , divert calls to , record conversation secretly and mute the ringer 可能的反映包括:接受,交互式语音,忙音,拒接+发送短信,把号码转接到别的地方,秘密记录通话,呼叫静音。
群忙音: group busy tone电话忙音: a busy signal返回忙音: return busy tone忙音插孔: busy back jack忙音监测器: tone monitor忙音连接: busy tone connection忙音塞孔: busy-back jack忙音信号: audible busy signal; busy tone signal; busy-back忙音中继线: busy tone trunk; tone trunk线路忙音: lbt line busy tone信道忙音: channel busy tone用户忙音: user busy tone占线音,忙音: bt busy tone中继线忙音: trunk busy tone群忙音 群占线音: groupbusytone忙音多址访问协议: btma小交换机特殊忙音: distinctive engaged tone被叫用户占线忙音,空号音: number unobtainable tone忙义: mang yi忙易出错: a watched pot never boils忙也要留点时间思考一下: quote of the week忙也要留点时间: quote of the week忙牙长: myc
忙音的法语:tonalité d'occupation忙音的日语:わちゅうおん忙音的韩语:[명사] (전화기의) 통화 중 신호. 用户在听到忙音时, 应即搁上听筒, 等一会再打; 사용자는 통화 중 신호가 들리면, 반드시 수화기를 놓고 잠시 기다렸다 다시 걸어야 한다忙音什么意思:mángyīn 电话机拨号后由于对方占线而发出的连续而短促的嘟嘟声,表示不能接通。