忘我: oblivious of oneself; selfle ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...忘我的, 无私的: self-forgetful忘我的精神: the spirit of selflessness忘我的劳动: selfless labour忘我: oblivious of oneself; selfless 忘我的精神 the spirit of selflessness; 忘我地工作 work selflessly; work untiringly; 忘我的劳动 selfless labour若是你遗忘我的名字: if you forget my name go astray; if you forget my name you will go astray母忘我: don't forget me忘我地: selflessly毋忘我: perhaps love勿忘我: forgetmenot; hearts in atlantis; myosotis sylvatica / forget-me-not; perhaps love; wu wangwo忘我地工作: work selflessly忘我精神: spirit of self- sacrifice; spirit of self-sacrifice忘我奇缘: the majestic忘我刹那: deliver the moment勿忘草, 毋忘我: forget-me-not勿忘我草: myosotis以勿忘我: forgetmenot北美勿忘我草: early scorpion grass勿忘我属植物: myosotis我的: mein; mine; my friend, i'll say it clear; still trapped within my youth; swode传播之忘我神迷: ecstasy of communication送你一朵毋忘我: give you a flower of "don't forget me毋忘我 新曲创作集: forget me not毋忘我(麒麟菊,不凋花): limonium sinuatum / sea lavender / statice