志愿: aspiration; wish; ideal的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...自动: voluntarily; of one's own ac ...去: go; leave做: make; manufacture; produce志愿的: volition - inability to choose; voluntary; volunteer志愿者: applicat; candidate; postulant; razakar; volontaire; voluntary; volunteers自愿的,志愿的: voluntary公益志愿者: we are volunteer竞赛志愿者: sport volunteers; volontaires des jeux骑士志愿者: esquire青年志愿者: vie; youth volunteer所有志愿者: all volunteers志愿者服务: volunteer services志愿者论坛: environmental volunteers志愿者手册: volunteer manuel志愿者协会: volunteer association; vso志愿者样本: volunteer sam-ple志愿者消防队: 21.volunteer fire department做志愿者工作: do vunlantary work随意的;自愿的;志愿的: voluntary志愿: 1.(志向和愿望) aspiration; wish; ideal 祖国的需要就是我的志愿。 my wish is to do what my country needs me to do.2.(自愿) do sth. of one's own free will; volunteer; voluntarily 志愿参加这项事业 volunteer in the undertaking; 志愿兵 volunteer; 志愿兵役制 system of voluntary service; 志愿献血者 volunteer doner of blood东区志愿者协会: peva花甲志愿者协会: jsv假日攻略志愿者: holidaygame volunteer