忍受: bear; endure; undergo; suffe ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...不堪忍受的: unbearable不可忍受的: insufferable不能忍受的: insupportable; intolerable; intolerably; trying长期忍受的: patiently bearing problems troubles etc esthose caused by another person仅可忍受的: just tolerable limit可忍受的: bearable; endurable; sufferable可以忍受的: sustainable难以忍受的: insufferable; oppressive难于忍受的: grievous忍受的极限: the margins of tolerance无法忍受的: intolerable; unbearable; unendurable忍受难于忍受的事: swallow a camel可以忍受的,可承受的: bearable可接受的, 合意的, 可忍受的: acceptable不堪忍受的轻浮: between love and hate; yeonae geu chameulsu-eomneun gabyeoum不能忍受的痛苦: intolerable pain恋爱,不堪忍受的轻浮: between love and hate; yeonae, geu chameulsu-eomneun gabyeoum耐药的,忍受,容忍,耐受的: tolerated难以忍受的 困难的: hard难以忍受的悲伤: bringin on the heartache难以忍受的酷暑: unbearable / scorcher hot难以忍受的夏天: unbearable summer难以忍受的牙痛: a grinding toothache