必须: must; have to; be obliged to ...持有: hold原则: principle赖以: rely; depend生存: subsist; exist; live; surviv ...赖以生存的条件: conditions on which persons or things rely for existence hang on in a place我们赖以生存的譬喻: metaphors we live by我们赖以生存的隐喻: metaphors we live by战车和赖以生存的种子: horses war carts and seeds are for survival必须持有电脑可读护照: machine-readable passport必须持有海关报关员证: customs clearance certificate holder is a must啊,西风,狂野的你,秋天赖以生存的呼吸: o wild west wind, thou breath of autumn's being,在这个我们赖以生存却经常遗弃的世界: in this world that we livin' in people keeon givin'in告诉你的父母不要毁了你以后赖以生存的世界: tell your parents not to ruin the world that you will live in有原则的: of principle; principled则赖: noriyori没有什么可以生存: desertlike主张有原则的团结: for principled unity有原: arihara; ariwara有原则的共同拟订方案: principled common programme占领地为领土的原则, 占领地保有原则: uti possidetis条约必须信守原则: pacta sunt sevenda条约必须遵守原则: pact sunt servand: a pact is not to be surrendered须持稳: a good anvil does not fear the hammer既要有原则性也要有灵活性: we should stick to the principles and be flexible as well