

[ xīndòng ] 发音:   "心动"的汉语解释   用"心动"造句
  • feelings
  • shino
  • slow runs my heart
  • tempting heart
  • 心动悸:    severe palpitation
  • 心动计:    ictometer
  • 心动了:    heartbeat; in touched
  • 心动图:    cardiographic curve; cardiorgram; cardiotachograph; cardiotocograph; ecg; kinetocardiogram
  • 心动仪:    cardiograph


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The patient has dyspnea, tachycardia, and cyanosis .
  2. Sinus bradycardia occurs when the heart rate falls below 60 .
  3. As soon as i mentioned money he rose to the bait , and became really interested .
  4. Excessive sympathetic drive is by far the most common cause of sinus tachycardia .
  5. Tachycardia may result from pain, apprehension, hypoventilation, or hypovolemia .


        心动悸:    severe palpitation
        心动计:    ictometer
        心动了:    heartbeat; in touched
        心动图:    cardiographic curve; cardiorgram; cardiotachograph; cardiotocograph; ecg; kinetocardiogram
        心动仪:    cardiograph
        心动作:    heart action
        心动过速-心动过缓:    tachycardia-bradycardia
        超声心动机:    echocardiograph
        超声心动室:    ucg room
        超声心动图:    echocardiography; echocardiogrphy or ultrasoundcardiography, ucg; ultrasonic cardiogram; ultrasonic echocardiogram; ultrasound cardiogram; ultrasound cardiography; ultrasoundcardiogram; ultrasounic cardiography
        促心动的:    cardiocineticcardiokinetic; cardiokinetic
        第一次心动:    first touch
        负性心动图:    negative cardiogram
        机械心动图:    mechanocardiogram
        见钱心动:    be tempted by money
        介电心动图:    dielectrocardiogram
        惊心动胆:    heart
        惊心动魄:    be struck with fright [horror];breath-taking; hair-raising; heart-stirring; make sb.'s heart leap; profoundly affecting; shake sb. to the core; soul-stirring; take one's breath (away) 若是把他所经历的事实记录下来, 那就是一部充满着大智大勇, 惊心动魄的小说。 if his experiences then had been carefully recorded, it would undoubtedly have made a suspenseful and moving book
        惊心动魄的:    lively; thrilling
        军心动摇:    the morale of the troops begins to slump.; the morale of the army is shaken
        脉搏心动图:    sphygmocardigoram; sphygmocardiogram
        内心动作:    inner action
        砰然心动:    she bangs
        偏心动作:    eccentric action; eccentric activate
        心动冲击图:    impulse cardiogram
        心定法:    citta niyama


        心动的法语:Tempting Heart
        心动的日语:心が動く.気を引かれる. 见财心动/金を見て心が動く.
        心动的韩语:(1)[동사] 가슴이 설레다. (2)[동사] 마음이 움직이다[동요하다]. 마음이 내키다. 见财心动; 재물을 보고 마음이 동요하다 (3)[명사]〈생리〉 심장의 박동. =[心搏]
        心动的俄语:pinyin:xīndòng 1) растрогаться; взволнованный 2) возыметь намерение 3) сердечная деятельность, биение сердца
        心动的印尼文:tempting heart;
        心动什么意思:  1.  指心跳, 突感不安。    ▶ 《战国策‧赵策一》: “ 襄子 如厕, 心动, 执问涂者, 则 豫让 也。”    ▶ 《史记‧高祖本纪》: “ 赵 相 贯高 等谋弑 高祖 , 高祖 心动, 因不留。”    ▶ 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语‧假谲》: “ 魏武 尝言: 人欲危己, 己辄心动。...


  1. "心电轴正常,正常电轴偏移"英文
  2. "心电阻描记法"英文
  3. "心调性心博停止"英文
  4. "心定,德和"英文
  5. "心定法"英文
  6. "心动冲击图"英文
  7. "心动蛋白"英文
  8. "心动的感觉"英文
  9. "心动的那些人"英文
  10. "心动的日子"英文


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