In his second season , he raised those averages to 20 . 6 points and 9 . 0 rebounds 在接下来的第2个赛季中,斯塔德迈尔有了长进,每场比赛平均拿下20 . 6分和9个篮板。
" we just lost a big , big part of the heart of this team by losing damon , " said coach mike fratello 我们失去了达蒙,失去了我们队伍核心里很大很大的一部分,达蒙.斯塔德迈尔说。
With amare stoudemire the only true big in the starting lineup , carmelo anthony and lebron james need to be rebounders 先发阵容只有斯塔德迈尔是大个子,安东尼和詹姆斯得抢篮板。
Stoudamire , who was originally said to have sprained his knee , ruptured the tendon while driving to the hoop in the second quarter 斯塔德迈尔之前说他扭伤了膝关节,在第二节的时候空中接力拉断了肌腱。