Swimmers walk in the baltic sea at the beach of warnemuende , northern germany 在德国北部的瓦尔纳明德海滩,游泳爱好者们并排走在一起。
The clashes left smoke from burning cars and the sting of tear gas drifting through the harborfront area in the north german port of rostock 在德国北部的这座港口城市里,充斥着汽车燃烧和催泪弹散发出的烟雾。
The clashes left smoke from burning cars and the sting of tear gas drifting through the harborfront area in the north german port of rostock 冲突后,德国北部的港口城市罗斯托克的港口上方充斥着燃烧汽车和施放催泪瓦斯后的浓烟。
1939 the world ? s first jet - propelled aeroplane , with engine designed by dr von ohain , made its first flight , at marienehe in north germany 世界第一架喷气式飞机在德国北部的马里奈赫作第一次飞行。飞机引擎为冯?奥海因博士所设计。