Macroscopical and microcosmic design of teaching activity 教学活动中的宏观设计和微观设计
By empowering and delegating micro - level design decisions to the practitioner responsible for delivering a service within a soa , you increase the ability for the delivery of a service that satisfies the current business requirement , and not the previously predicted or stated one 通过授权和委托微观设计决策给负责交付soa中的服务的专业人员,您增加了交付服务的能力,该服务满足当前的业务需求,而不是先前预测的或者规定的业务需求。
In this thesis , homogenization - based methods for predicting the viscoelastic property of multi - layered composite materials and unidirectional fiber reinforced composite materials are presented , and the relation curves of the moduli of materials with and inclusion volume fraction are given in the article 这对指导复合材料的生产实践具有重要意义。因此,需要研究微观结构与宏观结构之间的关系,研究复合材料粘弹性性能预测的理论和方法。该方面的研究对于复合材料的微观设计和节省实验费用都具有重要意义。
Instauration of second - board market is a challenge task for the securities estate in china . the impetus of nasdaq market for american economy is focused attention by all countries . the pith of nasdaq market is dealer system , then one of the key questions in microcosmic design of second - board market in china is whether introduce dealer system into market 二板市场的设立对中国证券业来说是一个具有挑战性的课题, nasdaq市场对美国经济的推动力举世瞩目,而nasdaq市场最核心的部分是做市商制度,那么,在国内二板市场微观设计中是否引入做市商制度就成为关键问题之一,本文即是针对该问题展开研究。