待: treat; deal with在外: not including; excluding; ou ...面: face不: a block of wood回家: go home待在外面不回来: stayoutt不回家: not coming home在外面: ectad; outside of; pose爱不回家: thirteen不回家的人: don't go home; loving for the wanderer今天不回家: jin tian bu hui jia; not go home; tonight nobody goes home把…挡在外面: keesb./sth. out of把…关在外面: lock out出来,放在外面: ex关在外面: bar out; lock out活过, 住在外面: live out将…挡在外面: keeout在外面吃: eat outside; to eat out在外面吃饭: dining out; eat out; eating out在外面搭伙: board-out在外面呆: stay 1在外面走动: to be about住在外面: living-out在外部, 外表上, 从外面, 在外面, 从外部: externally把它放在外面: to put it out