彻底: thorough; thoroughgoing了解: understand; comprehend; acqu ...事物: thing; object; arrangement底细: ins and outs; exact details; ...使某人彻底了解某事物: bring sth home to sbmake sb realize sth fully彻底了解: fathom彻底了解某事: know sth inside out把某物量好, 彻底了解某事物, 把某事安排好: get sth taped; have sth taped了解事情的底细: know the ins and outs of the matter彻底了解某物, 估量: get sth. taped了解事物发展的规律: understand the laws of development of things误解事物: mistake of facts彻底的了解: thorough understanding彻底消除某事物: wipe sth.off the face of thr earth底细: ins and outs; exact details; unapparent details; unknown background 弄清...的底细 get to the bottom of...; 了解事情的底细 know the ins and outs of the matter解事实: get the facts对某事物有透辟的了解: have a thorough understanding of sth难以透彻了解的事物: thing that is difficult to penetrate彻底: thorough; thoroughgoing 彻底改变 radical change; permutation; 彻底击败某人 mop the floor with sb.; 彻底决裂 make a complete break with ...; 彻底抛弃 cast off once for all; 彻底破产 complete bankruptcy; 彻底胜利 complete victory; 彻底失败 thorough defeat; 彻底检查 overhauling; 彻底搜查 rummage; 彻底完蛋 collapsed totally; 彻底消灭 utterly destroy彻底搞清楚某事, 使某事物恢复正常: get sth right了解: 1.(知道得清楚) understand; comprehend; acquaintance 了解事物发展的规律 understand the laws of development of things; 一位优秀的教师必须了解儿童。 a good teacher must understand children. 你如果能正确和有效地使用一个字, 你就了解它了。 if you can use a word correctly and effectively, you comprehend it.2.(打听, 调查) find out; acquaint oneself with 了解国内外科学技术发展情况 keep abreast of current development in science and technology at home and abroad解事之年: be at an age to understand曲解事实: wrest facts不能了解或不能认识某事物的: unable to understand or recognize sth narrowmindedd他进行了彻底的调查无怪他对此事了解很多: he had made a thorough investigation. no wonder he knew so much about it