Young do young do is an island connected to the city of busan by two great bridges , and is home to a highly spiritual population 影岛young do是一个岛屿,与釜山之间有两座大桥相连结,这里住著许多灵性高等的人士。
The fellow practitioners of young do deeply appreciate master s love and blessings in granting them the opportunity to spread her message at the july seminar , and sincerely look forward to a similar event to be held in august in nearby ulsan 影岛同修深深感谢师父的圣爱与加持,赐予这次难能可贵的机会,并且衷心期盼今年八月,也能在蔚山ulsan举办另一场弘法活动。
The sisters and brothers felt strongly encouraged by the success of the recent yong - do , busan seminar , and while helping with that event learned a lot and gained extra confidence that master and the almighty power are always present whenever sincere hearts seek the way 尤其最近受到釜山影岛录影带弘法成功的强烈鼓舞,更促使蔚山同修决心举办讲座。因为在叁与那次活动的过程中,同修不仅学习良多,更深信只要真心诚意地追寻真理之途,师父全能的力量时时都会照顾。
Fellow initiates living on the island were greatly inspired by the success of the 2003 series of country - wide video seminars , on which they worked along with other korean initiates . thus , they wished to offer a similar seminar and a free vegetarian buffet for the people of young do 岛上的同修,由于曾经参与韩国同修所举办的2003年全国巡回录影带讲座,受到其圆满成功的激励,希望在当地也能举办一场类似的录影带讲座,并提供免费的素食自助餐品尝会,以嘉惠影岛居民。
For example , when one work team member first contacted the young do public office center , she had difficulty gaining permission to hold the event . however , through god s blessings , in a week s time a new public manager was appointed who understood the initiates noble intentions and saw the benefit of the seminar to society ; thus he offered his assistance in making the seminar a success 例如,在申请讲座许可之初,有一位工作人员和影岛行政中心联系时进行并不顺利,感谢上帝帮忙,一个星期之后,来了一位新的公关主任,认同我们高雅的理想,体认到弘法讲座对社会的益处,因而提供我们协助,使得整件事能够圆满完成!