影响: influence; affect英镑: pound; pound sterling的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...因素: factor; element英镑的: sterling互相影响的因素: interrelated factor影响欧元的因素: factors that affect the euro影响日元的因素: factors that affect the japanese yen谈影响英语阅读理解能力的制约因素: on the restricting elements of english reading comprehension影响反应速率的因素: factors that affect the rate of a reaction影响放射敏感性的因素: factors affecting radio sensitivity影响寄生虫病流行的因素: major factors influencing the epidemic of parasitic disease影响计算折旧的因素: factorsaffectingmeasurementofdepreciation影响能量代谢的因素: factors affecting energy metabolism影响肾小球滤过的因素: the factors affecting glomerular filtration影响生产流程的因素: bottleneck影响我做出决定的因素: the factors that influenced my decision影响心输出量的因素: the factors influence cardiac output金额10英镑的书券: a book/record/gift token一张10英镑的书券: a book token一生中影响性格形成的因素: formative influences in one's life影响病人满意度问卷调查的因素及对策: the influencing factors and countermeasures of patien's satifactory questionnaire影响第二语言听力理解的因素: factors affecting listening comprehension of second language acquisition影响管道测漏系统效率的因素: leak-detection efficiencies gauge system effectiveness影响尿液浓缩和稀释的因素: the factors affecting the concentration and dilution of the urine