形成: form; take shape; shape; for ...性: nature; character; dispositi ...测量: survey; measure与: take part in; participate in评价: appraise; evaluate; assess; ...振动测量与评价: measurement and evluation of mechanical vibration of reciprocating piston compressors计算机的测量与评价: cme computer measurement and evaluation形成性测试: formative assessment; formative test形成性测验: formative test形成性评价: formative assessment; formative evaluation往复活塞压缩机坏振动测量与评价: measurement and evluation of mechanical vibration of reciprocating piston compressors一、测量与评价的涵义及分类: concept and kinds of measure and evaluation环境质量与评价: environmental quality and it’s evaluation环境测量与评估: environmental measurements and assessments形成性: formative曲轴轴系扭转振动的测量与评定方法: torsional vibration of crankshaft systems-measurement and evaluation method往复式机器整机振动测量与评级方法: method of measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibration for reciprocating machines征文范围及要求: 空间精度测量与评估: accuracy metrics and spatial assessment分析与评价: analysis and evaluation审查与评价: review and appraisal内形成性的: endoplastic碳形成性质: carbon forming properties形成性考试: formative test形成性目的: formative purpose形成性评估: formative assessment