形式: form; shape; layout; modalit ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...首: head项: nape系数: coefficient; ratio; modulus; ...【数学】首项系数。: leading coefficient首项系数: leading coefficient首项系数为一的多项式: monic polynomial首一方程, 首项系数为一的方程: monic equation链的首项: leader of chain二项系数: binomial coefficient分项系数: partial factor; partial safety factor线性形式的系数行列式: determinant of the coefficients of a linear form形式的: formal adj; latitudinarian; modal; proforma; tenth荷载分项系数: partial load factor抗力分项系数: partial safety factor for resistance作用分项系数: partial safety factor for action首项: first term; leader材料性能分项系数: partial safety factor for property of material展式第三项系数: third virial coefficient不拘形式的: free and easy不守形式的: fugate多形式的: multiform多样形式的: variform非形式的: informal