

发音:   用"录音打字"造句


  1. E . g . because my boss is away from the office a lot he often dictates on to a cassette tape , so i have to learn audio typing


        录音:    sound recording; film record ...
        打字:    typewriting; typewrite; type
        录音打字员:    audiotypist
        听录音打字:    audio typing
        发音打字机:    pronouncing typewriter
        语音打字机:    phonetic typewriter; voice actuated typewriter
        口授打字机,语音打字机。:    phonetic typewriter
        录音机打字:    audiotyping
        话音打印:    voice print
        录音:    sound recording; film recording◇录音报告 tape-recorded speech [report]; taped speech; 录音车 recording van [car]; 录音磁带文库tape library;录音磁带纸[材料] magnetic recording paper; 录音磁头 magnetic recording head; 录音打字 audiotyping; 录音带 magnetic tape; tape; audio tape; 录音电话机 telegraphone; 录音电平 [电子学] recording level; 录音放大器 recording amplifier; 录音机 (tape) recorder; [电子学] recording machine; phonographic recorder; sound recorder; sound-recording apparatus; sound-track engraving apparatus; 录音技师 sound recordist; sound engineer; 录音胶片 recording film; 录音教材 recorded materials; taped materials; 录音镜头 objective lense for sound recording camera; 录音棚 sound-recording studio; 录音片 phonogram; 录音摄像机 sound camera; 录音设备 sound pick-up outfit; voice recording equipment; 录音师 mixer; 录音室 recording room; 录音头 audiohead; recording head; 录音效率 charge factor; 录音新闻 news reports with live recordings; 录音员 recordist; pancake turner; 录音针 cutting stylus; 录音资料馆 sound archives
        听音打勾或打叉:    listen and check
        打字机;打字员:    typewriter
        打字带:    printer tape; typewriter cloth; typewriter ri on; typewriter ribbon
        打字纺:    type writer ri on silk; type writer ribbon silk; typewriter ri on fabrics; typewriter ribbon fabrics; typewriter ribbon silk
        打字杆:    type-bar
        打字稿:    typescript
        打字机:    typewriter; typer; marking machine
        打字慢:    tvpe slowly
        打字室:    typing room; typists room
        打字台:    typewriter stand
        打字体:    type script; typescript; typoscript
        打字员:    clerk typist/typist; typist
        打字纸:    fanfold; manifold paper; typewriter paper; typewriting paper; typing paper; typing-paper
        打字桌:    typing desk
        样式,打字:    type


  1. "录音磁带纸"英文
  2. "录音磁基"英文
  3. "录音磁迹"英文
  4. "录音磁平控制"英文
  5. "录音磁头"英文
  6. "录音打字员"英文
  7. "录音带"英文
  8. "录音带;带子"英文
  9. "录音带藏库"英文
  10. "录音带翻录"英文


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