当: proper; right爱: love让爱走: i can let go now走过: go across; go by; peregrinate; track; walk past; walk through; want a go; went across为爱走天涯: escape当爱来临: comes love; when the love falls当爱来时: when the love arrive当爱情来时: comes love当爱失去时: (1:an ode to lost love) hp; (1:an ode to lost love) yc当爱逝去: you've lost that loving feeling当爱消逝: when love dies当爱已不在: old crow当爱已逝: after the love has gone; when love is gone当爱远去: when your lover has gone当爱远逝: you've lost that loving feeling; you`ve lost that loving feeling过去;走过: go by走过,经过: walk through走过,流逝: go by走过,通过: walk through走过;过去: go by走过场: do sth. as a mere formality; go through the motions; do sth. perfunctorily or superficially; make a gesture to give the impression of doing sth.; walk through a part; become a mere formality; walk across the field (of activity)走过来: come over走过桥: go along across; walk over the bridge走过去: go over走过头: overreach