If payment is required in a currency other than hong kong dollars , the currency will be calculated at the prevailing rate of exchange inclusive of transfer and other charges 如需以港币以外的其他货币支付,则按发放当日汇率折算,以港币兑换所需货币。兑换手续费用及其他收费会从退休金扣除。
The purchase of tickets domestically or through internet shall be settled up in rmb , while purchase by t t from overseas shall be in us dollars in equivalent to rmb amount at the exchange rate of the purchasing date 境内购票以及网上购票按照人民币价格结算票款境外以电汇形式购票按照与人民币票价等值的根据当日汇率换算的美元价格结算票款,门票快递费用等相关费用采取同样的结算方式。
当日: the same day; that very day汇率: exchange rate现价,当日汇率: current rate当日汇率, 成交价: current rate当日汇率;成交价: current rate特别提款权的逐日汇率: daily sdr rate当日: the same day; that very day 当日有效 good for the date of issue only; 当日订单 day order; 当日汇率 current rate; 当日慢电(报) day letter; 当日有效票 day ticket汇率: exchange rate 浮动汇率 floating (exchange) rate; 固定汇率 fixed (exchange) rate; 中心汇率 central rate 每日汇报: algemeen dagblad当日冲: day trade当日的: intraday欧当日: audenge现价,当日: current rate限当日: good the day德意志星期日汇报: deutsches allgemeines sonntagsblatt阿贡当日: hagondange埃佩尔当日: erpeldange当日保证金: day margin当日报价: current day's price当日餐单: set menu当日冲销: day trade; intr gtm ay trading; intraday trading当日定货: day order当日订单: day order当日返程票: day return当日交付: value today