

发音:   用"当主席"造句
  • act as chair
  • preside
  • serve as chair
  • :    proper; right
  • 主席:    chairman
  • 由于他太年轻因而没有资格当主席:    his youth disqualified him from becoming president. seniority
  • 当主人:    preside
  • 主席:    1.(主持会议的人) chairman 当主席 be in the chair; preside over a meeting2.(最高领导职位) chairman; president 安理会主席 president of the security council; 联大主席 president of the un general assembly; 美国总统是国家安全委员会主席。 the u.s. president is the chairman of the national security council


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. He has held the office of chairman for many years .
  2. His youth disqualified him from becoming president ...
  3. Applause fading - i don ' t want to be president anyway
  4. What does his move to the chairmanship mean
  5. Who will preside at the committee meeting today


        :    proper; right
        主席:    chairman
        由于他太年轻因而没有资格当主席:    his youth disqualified him from becoming president. seniority
        当主人:    preside
        主席:    1.(主持会议的人) chairman 当主席 be in the chair; preside over a meeting2.(最高领导职位) chairman; president 安理会主席 president of the security council; 联大主席 president of the un general assembly; 美国总统是国家安全委员会主席。 the u.s. president is the chairman of the national security council
        当主要角色, 包办:    be the whole show
        适当主管当局:    appropriate authority
        整个充当主语:    of all kinds
        主席团主席:    president of presidential council; president of the presidency
        副主席:    cochairman; deputy chairman; vice chairman; vice-chairpersons; vicepresident; vice-president, vice-chairman; v.p. vice―president
        局主席:    chairman of administration
        两主席:    two co-chairmen
        女主席:    chairlady; chairwoman
        前主席:    former chairman; past chairman
        任主席:    din van than
        主席(女):    chairwoman; madam chairman
        主席府:    palais presidentiel; presidential palace, hanoi
        主席台:    rostrum; platform 登上主席台 go up to rostrum [podium]; 在主席台上发言 speak from the rostrum [podium]; 在主席台前列就座的有 ... seated in the front row on the rostrum were ...; 走下主席台 come down from the rostrum [podium]
        主席团:    presidium; bureau 代表大会主席团 presidium of the congress; 扩大的主席团 enlarged bureau; 人民代表大会主席团 presidium of the national people's congress; 主席团成员 bureau members; officers
        副主席,代理主席。:    deputy chairman
        主席团副主席:    deputy president of presidential council
        人民院主席团主席:    chairman of the presidium to chamber of the people
        议会主席团副主席:    first vice chairman of the presidium of assembly; first vice-chairman of the presidium of assembly
        议会主席团主席:    chairman of the presidium of assembly
        主席团执行主席:    executive chairman; executivechairman


  1. "当众指责"英文
  2. "当众做爱"英文
  3. "当轴"英文
  4. "当轴处中"英文
  5. "当主人"英文
  6. "当主要角色, 包办"英文
  7. "当主要武器没子弹时切换成手枪"英文
  8. "当助手"英文
  9. "当专家"英文
  10. "当庄逊的眼睛"英文


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