当: proper; right一切: all; every; everything全: complete未来: coming; approaching; next; f ...仍: remain存: exist; live; survive其一切全新: its all brand new, youll feel it in my kiss一切全为你: i do it for you这一切全是因为你: all these feelings for you当一切已破碎: when everything's made to be broken当一切都成定局: and when the last one falls当一切如电影闪过: when everything feels like the movies当一切都感觉不对时: when nothing feels alright当一切结束时我该说什么: what do i say when it's all over当一切我只能看你离开: when all i can do is watch you leave不久以后当一切都已经平息: then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing当一切变得艰难的时候,你明寮: you know that when things get too tough当一切都将我驱至崩溃边缘: it feel like everything is out to make me lose control当一切结束我知道了谁在伪装: running out of time i see whose fake当最后一个倒下,当一切都成定局: and when the last one falls,when it's all said and done爱仍存在: l'amour existe encore甲全失: complete loss of nails全失速: full stall未来: 1.(将要到来的) coming; approaching; next; future 在未来的岁月里 in the years to come; 未来的一年 the coming year; next year; 未来三日内将有暴风雪。 there will be a storm in three days.2.(将来) future; tomorrow 美好的未来 a glorious future; a bright future; 世界的未来 the world's tomorrow; 未来有着无限的希望。 the future holds limitless promise.; 未来城市 future city; 未来工业 futurity industry; 未来派 futurism; futurist; 未来趋势 future trend; 未来人 future-man; 未来世界 future world; 未来意识 future consciousness; 未来预报 predictions for future 当一瞥: when at a glance