

  • forced outage
  • 强迫:    enforce; force; compel; impe ...
  • :    stop; halt; cease; pause
  • :    pile up; heap up; stack
  • 现象:    appearance; phenomenon
  • 强迫停:    forced outage


        强迫:    enforce; force; compel; impe ...
        :    stop; halt; cease; pause
        :    pile up; heap up; stack
        现象:    appearance; phenomenon
        强迫停:    forced outage
        强迫停机:    forced outage
        强迫停机率:    forced outage rate
        强迫停立位:    compulsive standstill position; forced standing position
        强迫停止:    involuntary stop
        强迫停运小时:    forced outage hours
        强迫停止控制:    forced-stocontrol
        单极强迫停运次数:    monopole forced outage times
        当量强迫停机率:    equivalent forced outage rate
        每次强迫停止操作:    force each-floor-stooperation
        双极强迫停运次数:    bipole forced outage times
        停堆:    outage; reactor shut down; reactor shutdown; reactor trip; shutdown
        被迫停:    forced outage rate
        强迫:    enforce; force; compel; impel 强迫执行 force sb. to do sth.; 强迫命令 command and compel; make sb. do sth. by force; resort to coercion and commandism; force one's orders on; issue arbitrary orders; 强迫达成的协议 shotgun agreement; 没有什么可以强迫我做这件事。 nothing can compel me to do such a thing. 这些不平等条约是在强迫下签订的。 these unequal treaties were made under duress.; 强迫出售 compulsory sale; 强迫退休 mandatory retirement; 强迫卸货 forced discharge
        被迫停机率:    forced outage rate
        被迫停留:    tie up; tie-up
        被迫停止:    stop-and-go
        假停堆:    spurious shutdown
        冷停堆:    cold shutdown
        慢停堆:    rundown
        热停堆:    hot shut down


  1. "强迫送料的拉拨机"英文
  2. "强迫锁模"英文
  3. "强迫他人者"英文
  4. "强迫体位"英文
  5. "强迫停"英文
  6. "强迫停机"英文
  7. "强迫停机率"英文
  8. "强迫停立位"英文
  9. "强迫停运小时"英文
  10. "强迫停止"英文


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