Mary leigh told her own story of being force - fed in the september 1909 edition of the suffragette 玛丽?李在1909 . 9月期的《女权》杂志上述说了她自己被强制进食的经历。
Soon after , so many suffragettes had adopted the same tactics that prison authorities began force - feeding the women 不久,大量女权主义者都采用这种策略,以至于狱方开始对这些女人强制进食。
强制: force; compel; coerce进食: take food; have one's meal; ...强制进给: forced feed强制进料: forced feed; positive feed强制进入,插话: break in强制进料系统: forced feed system强制进料钻床: positive feed drill强制进行判决令: procedendo ad judicium进食: take food; have one's meal; feed; ingress 他进食有度。 he is temperate in food and drink. 从早上起病人一直没有进食。 the patient has not had a morsel of food since the morning 强制进气排气通风系统: pressurizing and ventilating fan system; pressurizing and ventilating-fan system进食;吃药: take food/medicine进食量: dmi; food entake; food-intake; intake进食器: feeder在进食: on the feed强制: force; compel; coerce 不靠强制手段 without resort to compulsion; 强制执行 carry out under coercion; enforce; forcible execution; 强制性的命令 mandatory order; 对犯罪分子实行强制劳动 carry out (a policy of) forced labour for criminals; 强制保险 compulsory insurance; forced insurance; 强制编码 forced coding; 强制参谋咨询 compulsory staff consultation; 强制出口法律 mandatory restrictions on exports; 强制储蓄 compulsory saving; forced saving; 强制措施 coercive measures; 强制兑换 forced conversion; 强制购买 compulsory purchase; 强制劳动 forced labour; 强制力 compelling force; coercive effect; constraint; 强制流通货币 forced currency; 强制破产 involuntary insolvency; 强制清算 compulsory liquidation; 强制手段 compulsory means; coercive measure;强制通货 enforced currency; 强制仲裁解决 compulsory arbitration settlement; mandatory arbitration settlement按规定进食: be on a diet不能进食: aphagosis促进食欲: give appetite; work uan appetite促进食欲的: appetitive; appetizing; hungry分类进食: dissociated diet给某人进食: help sb. to进食方法: alimentary system进食痕迹: feeding trail进食恐怖: fear of eating; phagophobia; sitophobia进食困扰: feeding disturbance