



        强制:    force; compel; coerce
        移情:    empathize
        传会(移情):    transference
        反移情:    counter-transference
        负移情:    negative transference
        强制:    force; compel; coerce 不靠强制手段 without resort to compulsion; 强制执行 carry out under coercion; enforce; forcible execution; 强制性的命令 mandatory order; 对犯罪分子实行强制劳动 carry out (a policy of) forced labour for criminals; 强制保险 compulsory insurance; forced insurance; 强制编码 forced coding; 强制参谋咨询 compulsory staff consultation; 强制出口法律 mandatory restrictions on exports; 强制储蓄 compulsory saving; forced saving; 强制措施 coercive measures; 强制兑换 forced conversion; 强制购买 compulsory purchase; 强制劳动 forced labour; 强制力 compelling force; coercive effect; constraint; 强制流通货币 forced currency; 强制破产 involuntary insolvency; 强制清算 compulsory liquidation; 强制手段 compulsory means; coercive measure;强制通货 enforced currency; 强制仲裁解决 compulsory arbitration settlement; mandatory arbitration settlement
        管制移交:    handoff; transfer of control
        管制移交点:    transfer of control message
        控制移位:    control shift
        反移情作用:    countertransference
        和负移情:    negative transference
        缺乏移情:    lack of empathy
        社会移情:    socioempathy
        时移情迁:    the times are changed. and conditions are changed as well
        文化移情:    cultural transference
        移情,同理心:    empathy
        移情别恋:    turn one's back on one lover and go with another; have a new sweetheart; love another; pass [transfer] one's affection to another; shift one's love to another person
        移情的情绪:    empathic emotion
        移情对象:    transitional object
        移情抗拒:    transference resistance
        移情性理解:    empathic understanding
        移情之爱:    transference love; transferencelovee
        移情指数:    empathic index
        移情作用:    empathy
        移情作用的:    empathetic; empathic; empathy


  1. "强制要约;强制性要约"英文
  2. "强制要约收购"英文
  3. "强制医疗"英文
  4. "强制依赖关系"英文
  5. "强制依约履行"英文
  6. "强制仪器飞航"英文
  7. "强制以减少变革的阻力"英文
  8. "强制异核体"英文
  9. "强制因素,制约条件"英文
  10. "强制引风机"英文


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