

  • elastic bucking
  • elastic buckling
  • elastic yielding


        弹性:    elasticity; resilience; spri ...
        屈服:    surrender; yield; bow to; gi ...
        非弹性屈服:    inealstic yielding
        弹性和塑性屈服:    elastic-and-plastic yield
        弹塑性屈服:    elasto-plastic yielding
        塑性屈服:    plastic yielding
        塑性屈服点:    plastic yield point
        微塑性屈服:    microplastic yielding
        延性屈服:    ductile yield
        制度性屈服:    institutional surrender
        渐进塑性屈服:    progression plastic yield; progressive plastic yield
        完全塑性屈服:    perfect plastic yield
        弹性屈曲:    elastic buckling
        非弹性屈曲:    inelastic buckling; nonelastic buckling
        非弹性屈曲模量:    modulus of inelastic buckling
        阳氏弹性系数及屈服点:    elastic limit yeung's module of elasticity to yield point; elastic limit, yeung's module of elasticity to yield point
        屈服:    surrender; yield; bow to; give away; knuckle under; submit to 迫使某人屈服 bring sb. to his knees; bring sb. to terms; 屈服于外界的压力 yield to pressure from outside; 他屈服于这种不公平的待遇。 he submitted to the unjust treatment. 我们不能向入侵者屈服。 we can never bow the neck to any invaders of our country
        持续性屈从:    persistent resignation
        机械性屈挠:    machanical flex; mechanical flex
        挠性屈曲:    flexural buckling
        塑性屈曲:    plastic buckling
        弹性:    1.(弹力) elasticity; resilience; spring; stress2.(事物的伸缩性) elastic; flexible 这些规定是有弹性的。 these regulations are elastic.; 弹性绷带 elastoplast; 弹性材料 elastic material; 弹性挡圈 circlip; 弹性垫板 resilient sleeper-bearing; 弹性垫圈 elastic washer; 弹性垫座 bumper block; 弹性汇率 flexible exchange rate; 弹性货币供应 elastic money supply; 弹性基础 elastic foundation; 弹性极限 elastic limit; limit of elasticity; 弹性计 elastometer; 弹性记忆(效应) elastic memory; 弹性抗 elastic reactance; 弹性理论 elastic theory; 弹性力 elastic force; 弹性力学 elasticity mechanics; 弹性尼龙 stretchy nylon; 弹性碰撞 elastic collision; 弹性疲乏 elastic fatigue; 弹性破坏 elastic break-down; elastic failure; 弹性塑料 elastoplastic; plastelast; 弹性体 elastomer; elastic body; 弹性外交 elastic diplomacy; 弹性误差 elastic error; 弹性系数 coefficient of elasticity; modulus of elasticity; 弹性纤维 spandex; 弹性炸药 elastic explosive; 弹性织物 elasticized fabric; elastic webbing; stretch woven fabric
        强直性屈肌,紧张性屈肌:    tonic flexor
        倒错性屈即射:    paradoxic flexor reflex
        轴性屈光不正:    axial ametropia


  1. "弹性区"英文
  2. "弹性区域"英文
  3. "弹性曲面"英文
  4. "弹性曲线"英文
  5. "弹性曲线图"英文
  6. "弹性屈曲"英文
  7. "弹性驱动"英文
  8. "弹性驱动油层"英文
  9. "弹性圈"英文
  10. "弹性染色体互斥假说"英文


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