

  • fatal ejection
  • 弹射:    catapult; launch; shoot off; ...
  • 致死:    causing death; lethal; deadl ...
  • 辐射致死率:    radiation lethality
  • 弹射:    catapult; launch; shoot off; pop- up◇弹射舱 ejection capsule; 弹射动力装置 ejection power plant; 弹射救生装置 ejection escape device; 弹射器 catapult; ejector; 弹射试验 ejection test; 弹射训练 ejection training; 弹射装置 catapult-launching gears; 弹射座舱 jettisonable cockpit; 弹射座椅 [航空] ejection seat; ejector seat
  • 致死:    causing death; lethal; deadly 一剂致死的毒药 a lethal dose of poison; 他因酗酒致死。 he drank himself to death.; 致死毒素 lethal toxin; 致死剂 lethal agent; 致死剂量 lethal dose; fatal dose; 致死作用 lethal effect


        弹射:    catapult; launch; shoot off; ...
        致死:    causing death; lethal; deadl ...
        辐射致死率:    radiation lethality
        弹射:    catapult; launch; shoot off; pop- up◇弹射舱 ejection capsule; 弹射动力装置 ejection power plant; 弹射救生装置 ejection escape device; 弹射器 catapult; ejector; 弹射试验 ejection test; 弹射训练 ejection training; 弹射装置 catapult-launching gears; 弹射座舱 jettisonable cockpit; 弹射座椅 [航空] ejection seat; ejector seat
        致死:    causing death; lethal; deadly 一剂致死的毒药 a lethal dose of poison; 他因酗酒致死。 he drank himself to death.; 致死毒素 lethal toxin; 致死剂 lethal agent; 致死剂量 lethal dose; fatal dose; 致死作用 lethal effect
        放射致癌:    radiocancerogenesis
        放射致敏的:    radiosensitive
        放射致敏剂:    radiation sensitizer; radiosensitizer
        放射致敏性:    radiosensibility; radiosensitivity
        放射致贫血:    anemia due to radiation
        辐射致癌:    cancer by radiation; radiation carcinogen; radiation induced carcinogenesis
        辐射致坏死:    radionecrosis
        辐射致畸:    radioteratogenesis
        辐射致冷:    radiation cooled
        辐射致冷的:    radiation cooled
        辐射致敏剂:    radiorensitizer
        辐射致突变:    radiomutation
        致死的;致死性:    fatal
        致死性;致死率:    lethality
        放射致癌作用:    radiation carcinogenesis; radiocarcinogenesis
        辐射致癌作用:    radiation carcinogenesi
        辐射致敏作用:    radiosensitization; radiosensitizing effect
        阴极射致发光:    cathode luminescence
        弹射舱:    bailout capsule; cockpit capsule; ejectable cabin; ejectable capsule; ejection capsule; jettisonable cabin; jettisonable capsule
        弹射车:    catapult car


  1. "弹射硬化"英文
  2. "弹射载荷"英文
  3. "弹射增韧"英文
  4. "弹射炸弹"英文
  5. "弹射者"英文
  6. "弹射装置"英文
  7. "弹射装置动作筒"英文
  8. "弹射装置加强梁"英文
  9. "弹射状"英文
  10. "弹射座舱"英文


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