What is really significant is the body-to-beam angle . 然而真正有意义的是弹体一波束角。
Can this apparent dish-body coupling unstabilize the guidance loop ? 这种明显的天线-弹体耦合能使制导回路不稳定吗?
Moreover, addition movement of the airframe can result from aerodynamic or propulsion noise . 此外气动力或发动机扰动也会造成弹体的附加运动。
The beacon will have a limited beamwidth and if the body-to-beam angle exceeds this a serious loss of signal will result . 这个信标器的波束宽度有限,如果弹体波束角超过了它,信号就会发生严重的衰减。
Superficially it is quite safe to phase advance an accelerometer signal as the error signal has been filtered by the servo and the alrframe transfer function . 从表面上看,因为误差信号已被伺服机构和弹体传递函数滤波,所以让加速度计信号经相位超前网络是不会有问题的。
弹: shoot; catapult体: body; part of the bodyacm弹体: acm elastomer弹体所: cartridge body workshop cartridge body laboratory丁弹体: butalastic刚弹体: duroelasts高弹体: elastomer后弹体: aftbody; afterbody铁弹体: ferroelastics硬弹体: duroelasts粘弹体: viscoelastic body弹体半径: body radius弹体材料: elastomeric material弹体大底: elastomeric sole弹体导轨: case guide rail弹体封圈: elastic sealing ring弹体构件: body hardware弹体聚氨酯: elastomeric urethane弹体绝缘: missile body insulation弹体力矩: moment of body弹体平面图: body-piston弹体前部: forebody弹体树脂: elastomeric resin弹体天线: body-type antenna弹体尾部: afterbody