Mexico ( afp ) - spanish championship side villarreal signed experienced argentine defender fabricio fuentes from mexican outfit atlas de guadalajara 西班牙劲旅比利亚雷亚从墨西哥的瓜达拉哈拉签来了阿根廷后卫法布里希奥?弗恩特斯。
A closing party held on sunday 10 october was organised by excellent local coordinator fernando besasso , with the support of the pupi staff and under the supervision of president andres de la fuente and his psychoeducator wife monica 在十月十日周日,基金会的工作人员,基金会的主席安德雷斯.德.拉.弗恩特以及他的妻子莫妮卡和优秀的协调员费尔南多.贝萨索的组织下,在当地召开了一个宴会。