He was responsible for the development of new methods of glass production and processing 四、与弗劳恩霍夫协会的合作
A staff of some 12 , 500 , predominantly qualified scientists and engineers , work with an annual research budget of over one billion euros 弗劳恩霍夫协会成立于1949年,至今已有50多年的发展历史,是德国乃至欧洲享有盛誉的著名应用研究机构。
The fraunhofer - gesellschaft sees itself as a service company , offering its scientific and technical expertise on the market for research and development services . research of practical utility the key to business success lies in the ability to develop new ideas and rapidly transform them into marketable products 50多年来,弗劳恩霍夫协会通过自身雄厚的技术实力和为客户精心设计的优质服务赢得技术先进、服务上乘、实用可靠的声誉,成为企业创新发展不可或缺的紧密伙伴。
Common quality standards and a professional approach to project management guarantee reliable results . the highly advanced equipment available in its laboratories makes the fraunhofer - gesellschaft an attractive partner for companies of all sizes and in all branches of industry . as well as the reliability of a strongly cohesive research network , collaboration also brings economic benefits , for the fraunhofer - gesellschaft s contribution to the partnership includes valuable knowledge acquired through cost - intensive preliminary research 在应用技术研究领域,弗劳恩霍夫协会的市场份额占30 % ,每年的研发预算10亿多欧元, 58个研究所分布在德国各地,有13000多名工作人员,每年为3000多家客户完成约11000项科研合同,并申报约500余项专利,为德国的工业、技术和经济发展作出了巨大贡献。