On the premise of the original and extended meanings of the word " category " , in a sense of the subject and deduction , the approach to the history of chinese aesthetic categories is " lawful " 摘要在分析“范畴”一词之本义与引申义的基础上,学科、学理意义上中国美学范畴史的研究之所以是“合法”的,首先是由于中国人文史上,实际存在有待于建构中国美学范畴史之大量范畴及其群落的思想与思维资源之故。
If a product ' s shape or style or features are arbitrary and nonfunctional , and the general public comes to view these features as associated with a particular product , they are said to have acquired a secondary meaning , which may be registered and protected 如果一产品的形状、式样或特征是任意的且不具备功能性的,如果公众将其视为与特定的产品有联系的话,它就被称为取得了引申义,那么该形状、式样或特征也可以注册并受到保护。
Sinigram is the basic unit not only of archaic chinese , but also of modern chinese , and it reflects the special features of chinese . if we make a sinigram - based semantic study , we can know the original meanings and extended meanings directly and correctly and improve our chinese teaching and research . so if we do sinigram - based semantic research on a solid foundation , it will produce a positive effect on chinese research and teaching “字”不仅是古代汉语、而且也是现代汉语的基点,是汉语特点的凝聚点;基于字本位的字义研究,由于汉字存在的理据性,字的本义分析可以从造字特征着手,以此推断其引申义和引申过程也就有了更可靠的依据,这对汉语研究和语言理论研究思路、视角的转换,对汉语教学方法的改进,都将产生积极的影响。
Catching the meaning of words literally from the context in freanch - chinese translation leads to the major reasons of misunderstanding and mustranslation , and this is ofter caused by failure to understand the polysemy of words , the collocation meaning of words , jargons established by usage , figurative sense of words , words ' extended meaning , words bearing historical and religious senses , as well as the specific pragmatical meaning of words in certain context 摘要望文生义所致误解误译,主要有如下几种情形:不了解词汇的多义性和搭配意义;不懂约定俗成的术语行话;不明白转义、引申义、 ?史或宗教意义;不清楚词语在上下文中的具体语用意义。
引申义的韩语:[명사]〈언어〉 전의(轉義). 파생의(派生義). 纲的原义是提网的总绳, 引申义是指事物的主要部分; “纲”의 원래 뜻은 그물을 드는 벼리인데 파생된 의미는 사물의 주된 부분을 말한다 →[本běn义]引申义什么意思:词语由本义引申而成的新义。 ▶ 清 江藩 《经解入门‧说经必先通训诂》: “字有义, 义不一。 有本义, 有引申义, 有通借义。”