引人注意: catch the attention的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...文句: diction; language引人注意的文句, 口号: catch phrase引人注意的: arresting; arrestive; attention-getting; attractive; seductive不引人注意的: inconspicuous; u oticed; unnoticed引人注意的人: crowd puller引人注意的物: eye catcher警句,引人注意的话。: catch-phrase引人注意的应用: a compelling application壮观的,引人注意的: spectacular a. grandly out of the ordinary; attracting excited notice最引人注意的位置: foreground; highlight不显眼的, 不引人注意的: inconspicuous不诱人的, 不引人注意的: not much to look at诱惑的, 引人注意的, 有魅力的: seductive不引人注意: unattracly使引人注意: accent被人注意的: marked已无作用的、已失效的、不再吸引人注意的: dead as a dodo隐蔽的或不引人注意的观察者: a fly on the wall hidden or unnoticed observer积极型引人注意: positive attention seeking; positive attentionseekingg消极型引人注意: negative attentionseekingg最引人注意之地位: foreground引起别人注意的话: catchcry因为缺席反而引人注意: be conspicuous by its absence