弄错: make a mistake; misunderstan ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...易弄错的: mistakable精神旺盛的, 弄错的: full of beans不会弄错的,没有瑕疵的,完美的: unmistakable弄错: make a mistake; misunderstand 你弄错了。 you've got it wrong错的: falsch; fault-tolerant; unrecht; wrong弄错, 误解: get the worse end of the staff; have the worse end of the staff弄错,误解: irrtum, der; ..er弄错了: be in error; stand in error不当心弄错: nod犯错误, 弄错: err in你弄错了: you've got it wrong弄错了的: in error弄错目标: bark uthe wrong tree弄错日期: confuse dates我没弄错: i am not wrong我弄错了: i have got it wrong; i made a mistake不错的: nice; okay; right出错的: awry犯错的: mistaken改错的: error correcting交错的: alternate; alternativ alternative; alternierend alternating; checkered; chequered; interlaced png image; interlacing; intricate; jagged; staggered纠错的: error correcting配错的: mismatched