All the pomoideae were allopolyploids derived from a doubled hybrid between two remote ancestral types . 所有的梨亚科是由两个远缘祖先类型双杂交演化的异源多倍体。
Allopolyploidy a type of polyploidy involving the combination of chromosomes from two or more different species 异源多倍体:两种或两个以上的不相同的物种杂交,杂种经染色体加倍形成的多倍体类型。
Alternatively , like allopolyploids , they may arise by the nondisjunction of chromatids during the mitotic division of a zygote 与异源多倍体相似的是,它们也是在有丝分裂中合子的染色单体不分离形成的。
Allopolyploids usually arise from the doubling of chromosomes of a hybrid between species , the doubling often making the hybrid fertile 异源多倍体通常由不同种的二倍体染色体组结合后加倍形成,染色体加倍后通常是可育的。
The properties of the hybrid , such as greater vigor and adaptability , are retained in the allopolyploid in subsequent generations and such organisms are often highly successful 这种具有高度生活力和适应性的杂交在异源多倍体中被保留,而且可以成功的遗传下去。
异源多倍体的法语:allopolyploïde amphipolyploïde异源多倍体的日语:いしつばいすうたい异源多倍体的韩语:[명사]〈생물〉 알로폴리플로이드(allopolyploid). [서로 다른 두 종(種)[속(屬)]의 생물이 잡교(雜交)한 후대(後代)로, 그 염색체 수가 전대(前代)에 비해 다배수(多倍數) 관계를 가짐]