On the 24th of august in 79ad , between two and three in the afternoon my mother drew my uncle ' s attention to a cloud of unusual size and shape 在公元79年8月24日下午2点到3之间,我母亲让我的叔叔注意异常大小和形状的烟云。
异常: unusual; abnormal; anomalous ...大小: big or small正常大小: normal size非正常大小的: out of size异常大量死亡: abnormal mass mortality新生儿异常大脑征: abnormal cerebral signs in the newborn异常大分子结合: abnormal macromolecular binding异常大分子序列: abnormal macromolecular sequence将窗口恢复到正常大小: restore the window to normal size非常大: very large大小: 1.(程度大小) big or small 大小高等院校十二所 twelve colleges of varying sizes; 国家不论大小, 应该一律平等。all countries,big or small,should be equal.2.(辈份高低) degree of seniority 说话没个大小 speak impolitely to elderly people3.(大人和孩子) adults and children 全家大小三口。 there are three people in the family altogether.4.(尺寸、规模、 面积等的大小) size; dimension; bulk; admeasurement; volume; scale; magnitude 它的大小和火鸡一样。 it is equal in size to a turkey. 这双鞋我穿大小正合适。 these shoes are just my size异常: 1.(不同于寻常) unusual; abnormal; anomalous; singular 异常现象 abnormal phenomena; 神色异常 not be one's usual self2.(非常) extremely; exceedingly; extraordinarily; particularly 异常丰富 exceedingly rich; 异常需要 particularly necessary; 异常危险 extremely dangerous; 异常迫切 extremely anxious; 这种鱼的肉异常鲜美。 the flesh of this kind of fish has exceptional delicacy.3.(反常) anomaly 气候异常 climatic anomalytvb非常大状: bar benders比正常大的: larger than normal extra large常大写作: often sea esas part of a proper name非常大的: enormous; fantastic; herculean; spanking非常大地: very greatly非常大洪水: superflood非常大会: extraordinary general meeting非常大总统: extraordinary president正常大气: normal atmosphere正常大气压: normal atmosphere (an); normal atmospheric pressure; normal pressure atmospheric正常大修: roh放非常大,不小了: enlargement非常大,不小了底: outsole