

  • broomed pile
  • 开花:    flower; bloom; blossom; be i ...
  • 木桩:    timber pile; wood pile; wood ...
  • 花木:    flowers and trees (in parks or gardens); flowering wood◇花木管理 landscape management
  • 木桩:    timber pile; wood pile; wooden pile
  • 开花:    1.(花蕾开放; 比喻心里高兴或脸露笑容) flower; bloom; blossom; be in flower; come into flower 心里乐开了花 burst with joy; feel elated; 樱桃树开始开花了。 the cherry-trees began to put forth their blossoms. 今年李子树不开花。 there is no blossom this year on the plum trees.2.(裂开; 炸开) explode 手榴弹在敌人头上开花。 the hand-grenade exploded right over the enemy.; 开花弹 bullet; fragmentation bomb; 开花阶段 flowering phase; 开花期 anthesis; blowth; inflorescence; bloom; blooming period; efflorescence; [植物学] florescene; 开花受粉 chasmogamous; 开花受精 chasmogamy; 开花诱导 flower induction; 开花炸弹 scatter-bomb; 开花植物 bloomer


        开花:    flower; bloom; blossom; be i ...
        木桩:    timber pile; wood pile; wood ...
        花木:    flowers and trees (in parks or gardens); flowering wood◇花木管理 landscape management
        木桩:    timber pile; wood pile; wooden pile
        开花:    1.(花蕾开放; 比喻心里高兴或脸露笑容) flower; bloom; blossom; be in flower; come into flower 心里乐开了花 burst with joy; feel elated; 樱桃树开始开花了。 the cherry-trees began to put forth their blossoms. 今年李子树不开花。 there is no blossom this year on the plum trees.2.(裂开; 炸开) explode 手榴弹在敌人头上开花。 the hand-grenade exploded right over the enemy.; 开花弹 bullet; fragmentation bomb; 开花阶段 flowering phase; 开花期 anthesis; blowth; inflorescence; bloom; blooming period; efflorescence; [植物学] florescene; 开花受粉 chasmogamous; 开花受精 chasmogamy; 开花诱导 flower induction; 开花炸弹 scatter-bomb; 开花植物 bloomer
        春花木:    hongkong hawthorn branchlet leaf or root
        花木兰:    a though side of a lady; china doll; feminine general 'far mok lan'; hua mulan; lady general fa muk-lan; lady general hua mu-lan; muian; mulan complete recording session; the legend of mulan; the woman general; xryan
        花木马:    hana mokuba
        花木通:    southwestern china clematis stem
        黄花木:    greenleaf piptanthus seed
        浇花木:    water the trees and flowers
        立木桩:    stake 1
        木桩坝:    pile dike
        木桩簇:    wood-pile cluster
        木桩群:    wood pile cluster
        木桩束:    framed wood pile dolphine
        伞花木:    eurycorymbus cavaleriei rehd.et hand.-mazz
        物木桩:    timber piles
        圆木桩:    log peg; log pile
        开花期,开花:    anthesis
        出来,开花:    come out
        封开花:    kaifeng grian
        花,开花:    bloom
        开花弹:    expanding bullet; mushroom bullet; shrapnel
        开花的:    blooming; bloomy; efflorescent florescent flowering inflorescent phanerogamic; floriferous; flowered; phanerogamous


  1. "开花浪"英文
  2. "开花里"英文
  3. "开花两次的"英文
  4. "开花螺母"英文
  5. "开花铆钉"英文
  6. "开花喷嘴"英文
  7. "开花期"英文
  8. "开花期,开花"英文
  9. "开花期长的"英文
  10. "开花期间"英文


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