The design of the software and hardware of both the measurement of temperature , air flux and pressure and the open loop control is finished in this thesis 对温度、流量和压力测量的软、硬件进行了设计,对目标温度和流量的开环控制的软、硬件进行了设计,成功的实现了开环调节。
开环: ring opening; open loop; ope ...调节: regulate; adjust; monitor; m ...开环调节器: open loop regulator闭环调节: closed looadjustment; closed-cycle control片环调节器: film loop adjuster双循环调节: dual-cycle conditioing血循环调节: blood circulation regulation; regulations of blood circulation循环调节: circulatory adjustment; cycle control; regulation of circulation单环调节贮布器: free loop festoon空气循环调节器: air circulation damper时间牡环调节器: time cycle controller开环: ring opening; open loop; open cycle磁环调制器: magnetic ring modulator带环调形钳: band contouring循环调度: cyclic scheduling; rotational scheduling; round-robin scheduling循环调度法: cyclic dispatching method; round robin scheduling; round-robin scheduling对开环: split collar开环 dna: ocdna; open circular dna开环(路): open project开环dna: open circle dna; open circular dna; open-circlar dna; rcdna开环DNA: ocdna; open circular dna开环酶: ring-opening enzyme四开环: pendant collet松开环: trip ring; triring开环开环增益: open-loop gain