开: open; turn on; switch on; be ...源: source; fountainhead打开源: open source开源道: hoi yuen road章开源: zhang kaiyuan等开源框架: struts spring hibernate节流开源: regulate flowing and dig a new spring; broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure开源促进会: open source initiative; osi开源节流: broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure; broaden the sources of income and economize on expenditures; earn more income and cut down expense; increase income and decrease expenditure; increase revenues and reduce expenditure; limit expenditures and increase receipts by finding new business; open up the source and regulate the flow; tap new resources and economize on expenditure 在经济工作中, 应该经常注意开源节流。 in economic work, we should pay attention to opening up the source and regulating the flow from time to time开源酒店: xj kai yuan hotel开源软件: open source开源宗教: open source religion注意开源节流: pay attention to opening up the source and regulating the flow orificing【计算机】公开源代码。: open source慧林开源贸易公司: william kai yuen trading co开源与节流并重: broaden sources of income & reduce expenditure; broaden sources of income &am reduce expenditure; broaden sources of income &reduce expenditure; reduce expenditure开源的内容管理系统: open source content management systems开源生物信息学基金会: open bioinformatics foundation中美开源股份有限公司: amphimaco ltd; amphimaco (taiwan) ltd; amphimaco ltd北京共创开源软件有限公司: beijing cocreate open source software co. ltdd公司本周三宣布将向开源社区捐献更多: wsdm开源开放源码开放源码和节流并重: broaden sources of income &reduce expenditure软件行业协会共创软件分会携手国际开源: osdl开圆盘: open disk开圆: open circle开园时间: opening time