运动: arrange things or get things ...技能: technical ability; skill; te ...闭锁性运动技能: closed motor skill过渡性运动技能: transition motor skills运动技能: motor skill开放性技能: open skills基本运动技能: fundamental motor skills精细运动技能: fined motor skill心理运动技能: psychomotor skill运动技能迁移: transfer in sports skill运动技能学习: motor skill learning运动技能训练: motor skill training; training of motor skill运动技能障碍: motor skill disorder知觉运动技能: perceptual motor skill粗大运动技能学习: gross motor skill learning大肌肉运动技能: large muscle motor skill小肌肉运动技能: fine motor skill运动技能节省化: economization of sports skills; economization of sportsskillss特定运动技能发育障碍: specific developmental disorder of motor skills运动技能标准合格证测验: athletic badge test运动技能的四级水平: four levels of motor skills被动技能: base passive skills开放性: glasnost提高劳动技能: upgrading of labor运动技巧: acrobatics and tumblings; motor skills