开支: pay expenses总额: total sum; amount; total; th ...总: assemble; gather; put togeth ...开支总额;总开支毛额: total gross expenditure开支总额: gross expenses; total gross expenditure开支总额;总支出: gro expenditure; gross expenditure薪金总额;工资总开支: total wage bill总开支: cost-record summary; general expenditure; total expenditure开支总目: head of expenditure资本总开支: total capital expenditure总开支;总支出: total expenditure总开支毛额: total gross expenditure资本总开支;非经常总开支: total capital expenditure非经常总开支: total capital expenditure开支: 1.(支付) pay (expenses); spend 由甲乙双方共同开支 at the joint expense of a and b2.(费用) expenses; expenditure; spending 节省开支 cut down expenses; retrench; 军费开支 military spending; 削减开支 curtail [cut down] expenses; 他们无力承担这些五花八门的开支。 they can ill afford the multifarious expenses.3.[方言] (发工资) pay wages; pay salaries; get the pay 我们每月6日开支。 we get our pay on the 6th of every month.; 开支标准 spending standards全年家庭总开支 :: total family expenditure涵盖范围〔开支总目或分目: ambit总开支 间接费用 间接生产成本 开销费用: overheadcost开支,消费: expenditure开支,花费: expense开支,借项: charge开支表: the travel expense processing center in phoenix ariz. that processes t&l expense forms开支票: [数学] write a check开支权: afe authority for expenditure; authority for expenditure ("afe")开支税: expenditure taxes; outlay taxes