

  • pay-off station
  • 开卷:    open a book; begin to read a ...
  • 工段:    a section of a construction ...
  • 复卷工:    rewinderman
  • 开卷:    open a book; begin to read a book 开卷有益。there are always advantages in opening a book.; in all learning there is profit.; reading enriches the mind.; reading gives advantages.; reading is always beneficial.; reading is always profitable.; 开卷测验 open-book test; 开卷考试 open-book examination
  • 工段:    1.(指建筑等施工组织 ) a section of a construction project; area of a construction site2.(车间内的基层生产组织) workshop section; work section◇工段长 workshop section chief; chief of a section


        开卷:    open a book; begin to read a ...
        工段:    a section of a construction ...
        复卷工:    rewinderman
        开卷:    open a book; begin to read a book 开卷有益。there are always advantages in opening a book.; in all learning there is profit.; reading enriches the mind.; reading gives advantages.; reading is always beneficial.; reading is always profitable.; 开卷测验 open-book test; 开卷考试 open-book examination
        工段:    1.(指建筑等施工组织 ) a section of a construction project; area of a construction site2.(车间内的基层生产组织) workshop section; work section◇工段长 workshop section chief; chief of a section
        开卷的:    open-book
        开卷机:    abhaspel; ablaufhaspel; abrollhaspel; abwickelhaspel; carousel; coil holder; decoiler; decoiling machine; decoiling unit; feed reel; pay off reel; payoffreel; reeler; swift; uncoiler; uncoiling machine; uncoiling reel; uncoiling unit; unwind reel; unwinder; unwinding coiler
        开卷考:    open-book exam
        开卷线:    coil feed line
        开卷箱:    pay-off cradle
        开卷轴:    pay-off shaft
        开卷錾:    opening chisel
        上开卷:    abwickeln von oben
        下开卷:    abwickeln von unten
        氨工段:    ammonia plant
        工段长:    chief foreman; chief of section; section chief; sectionchief
        带材开卷机:    strip uncoiler
        带卷开卷:    coil unwinding
        带卷开卷箱:    coil box
        高速开卷机:    biflaker
        机组开卷机:    processing uncoiler
        解轴 退绕 拆卷 开卷:    unreel
        开卷-矫直机:    uncoiler leveller
        开卷-校直机:    uncoiler leveller
        开卷测验:    open book test; open??book test


  1. "开卷-矫直机"英文
  2. "开卷-校直机"英文
  3. "开卷测验"英文
  4. "开卷磁带传送机"英文
  5. "开卷的"英文
  6. "开卷后张力"英文
  7. "开卷机"英文
  8. "开卷机齿轮"英文
  9. "开卷机带材扳直辊"英文
  10. "开卷机带材板直辊"英文


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