建设: build; construct; reconstruc ...项目: item; article; clause; subje ...全过程: the entire proceeding造价: cost of construction; cost o ...管理: manage; run; administer; sup ...建设工程造价管理协会: ceca工程造价管理: engineering cost management; project pricing management铁路工程造价管理: railway engineering cost management建设项目: calis; co truction project; construction item; construction project建设项目生命周期管理: blm工程建设项目: construction project航运建设项目: marine development基本建设项目: capital construction item; capital construction project; capital improvement project; capital projects建设项目周期:: project construction cycle跨界建设项目: cross-boundary infrastructure project能力建设项目: cbcapacity building project体制建设项目: institution-building project增加建设项目: additional construction item中型建设项目: medium construction item重点建设项目: key construction project工程造价与管理教学大纲: rar大中型建设项目: large and medium-sized projects国家重点建设项目: national key construction project; state key construction project基本建设项目审计: capital construction project audit基础设施建设项目: infrastructure project