建设: build; construct; reconstruc ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...基本建设的: capital建设的;建筑的: constructive建设的成就: the world建设的立法: constructive legislation建设的待付款: constructive obligation基础建设的发展: infrastructural development; the development of可能建设的地段: potential area for; potential areas for掀起建设的新高潮: set off a new upsurge of construction信息化建设的瞎想: cio hatcher team促进经济建设的保证: a guarantee to strengthen the economic construction建设的环境最主要影响: nchrreport - primer_ environmental impact of construction邻里建设的相关措施: neighborhoods巳承诺建设的市区发展区: committed urban development area对高校校园文化建设的思考: on the construction of campus culture in universities对加强高校德育建设的思考: thoughts on enhancing moral education in institution of higher learning妇产科管理信息化建设的思考: consideration about information system construction of gynecology and obstetrics改革开放和现代化建设的全过程: the entire process of reform opening-uand modernization; the entire process of reform, opening-uand modernization改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师: the chief architect of china's reform opening and modernization drive; the chief architect of china's reform, opening and modernization drive关于社科学报规范化建设的几点思考: thoughts for the standardizing construction of social science journal关于我校学科建设的快速发展: on rapid development of establishment of branch of learning in our university关于专业英语教材建设的思考: reflections on current sbe materials development计划建设的新海底光缆系统: planned new submarine cable systems建设单位与中标单位签订承发包合同: execution of the construction contract between the project developer and the bid winner建设单位会计: accounting of construction units