建议: propose; suggest; advise; re ...地方: place; space; room采取主动: take the initiative走了一大段路, 采取主动: go a good way; go a great way夺取主动权: seize the initiative strive forcourt争取主动: try to gain the initiative主动采取行动: initiating action采取: adopt; take 采取步骤 take steps; 采取攻势 take the offensive; 采取坚决的手段 take a firm hand; 采取紧急措施 take emergency measures; 采取强制手段 resort to compulsion; 采取拖延战术 employ stalling tactics; 采取主动 take the initiative; 采取预防自然灾害的措施 take precautions against natural calamities; 你必须设法采取折衷的态度。 you must try to strike a happy medium会议地: congressionally抗议地: protestingly取主转移: pivot transformation建议: 1.(提建议) propose; suggest; advise; recommend 我建议再试一次。 i suggest trying once more. 医生建议我多做点户外活动。 the doctor suggested i should have more outdoor exercise. 我们建议立即采取措施。 we advise that steps be taken at once.2.(提出的建议) proposal; suggestion; proposition; recommendation 反建议 counterproposal; 合理化建议 rationalization proposal; 同意某项建议 agree to a proposal; 根据某人的建议 at the suggestion of sb.; 采纳建议 adopt a suggestion; 他的这项建议没有人理睬。 the suggestion of his fell upon deaf ears.; 建议价格 suggested price侧方采光: side lighting; sidelighting官方采购: official purchase上方采光: upside lightinginternet协议地址: internet protocol address不可思议地: as if by magic; inconceivably; marvellously; marvelously; quizzically; singularly; strangely; to a miracle; toamiracle会议地点: congress venue; the of conference; venue抗议地说: remonstrate慎重审议地: deliberatively无可非议地: beyond exception; justifiably无异议地: unanimously争议地区: disputed area主动: 1.(能够造成有利局面) initiative 主动作某事 do sth. on one's own initiative; do sth. of one's own accord; 争取主动 try to gain the initiative; contend for the initiative; 主动为人们做好事 be active in doing good to men; 主动求婚[爱尔兰] take the initiative in courtship; 她不愿意主动这么做。 she does not like to do so from her own initiative. 他工作很主动。 he displays great initiative in his work.2.[机械工程] driving; 主动报价 unsolicited offers; 主动导航 active homing; 主动舵 active rudder; main rudder; 主动滑轮 driving pulley; feed pulley; 主动皮带轮 drive pulley; 主动注意 [心] active attention建议定货: suggested order建议的预算: proposed budget